Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Antique and Vintage Items of Our Past

Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to antique items of the past? Or maybe it's an entire era. Have you ever touched and antique and imagined what it would be like to have use this object? It is my opinion and belief that we are attracted to antiques because we have used the item in a past life or have lived in that era. For me I am attracted to and love the rennesaince age . Ask yourself what era attracts you in a nostalgic way? The same way we feel about objects of our childhood in this current life time can also attract us to objects and era's of past lifetimes. For me , I love the rennesaince age and the art and craftmanship of handmade items.
Blacksmithing , knife making handmade pottery , wood carvings, paintings and just the over all playfulness and creativity of this age bring back memories and even inspire me to create in this lifetime.

When I attend estate auctions , I can actually feel the presence of the past owner and get a sense of who they were and what they were like , just by looking and touching the many household contents, from buttons to niknaks. There is also a certain respect I feel about the objects I buy from thier estate. The feeling is a bit different about antiques I collect for myself and the objects I buy from estate sales to include in my store. Still I am honored to offer these items to others who collect them or who can make use of them. To me it carries on the spirit of the previous owners and keeps that era and technology alive in the hearts of many. What we collect , says allot about us as a person. It can reveal life issues we need to resolve as well as past lives we have lived. Exploring the antique world can be very enlightening.

Donna Scales
Donna Scales/ Psychic CounselorOwner operater of :Http://http://www.Sleepythoughts.com and http://stores.ebay.com/Bruces-Blades
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donna_Scales

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