Showing posts with label Woodworking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woodworking. Show all posts

Monday, January 04, 2010

Easy Woodworking Projects - 3 Ideas For Making Easy Woodworking Around the House!

Easy woodworking projects are simple to do and can show most beginners the primary lessons in order to attempt much larger, more complex plans!

In this article I hope you can learn not only a few easy woodworking projects to try, but also what basic tools are

necessary and finally how to quickly progress from being a novice woodworker to more of a master craftsman. First, though, let's try to look over some projects for most beginners.

Three very simple and easy projects to start out with are:

A Simple Bookshelf
A Birdhouse, or a
A Magazine Holder

Just take either one of these projects, a blank white sheet of paper, a sharp pointed pencil get to drawing a

sketch of what you want it to look like, fill in the measurements, then get to cutting the wood to those

numbers, and finally start piecing them together! This can all be done at home around the table, by most any member of your family.

The obvious reason behind attempting any of these projects is that not only are they simple, but they also are practical and most everyone would have a use for them. Another reason is all three only need hand tools to accomplish either. Most of the simple hand tools for completing such projects would be a ruler, a pencil (to transfer your measurements to the wood from your drawings, a hand saw, a small file (or sanding paper), a hammer and nails and finally a paint brush and some paint or stain.

While your in the beginning stages you need to use mainly hand tools, number one, they're inexpensive, and will allow you to feel and sense the wood and the pieces as you build each project. Later on you can use all the power tools, but they can be expensive and also not allow you as much intimacy with the woods you're working with.

To progress on from these initial three projects and learn more of the craft of woodworking, there are many

avenues to help you along. Primarily, the internet is a great tool, it gives you wonderful research and great

information, not only will it offer you volumes of text, but also hours and hours of video. Finally, it offers

you memberships in learning and professional forums on many subjects of the woodworking art.

I hope you see now how simple and satisfying woodworking can be. It has many simple projects for you to begin on, then after completing those can provide you with many avenues to increase your knowledge and your experience.

If you've enjoyed this article, take a look at for many exciting and useful projects and detailed drawings that can be completed around your home. Visit Easy Woodworking Projects for over 14,000 more projects and plans to think about!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Simple Kids Crafts - Wood Projects

Are you in need of a few simple kids craft, consider wood projects. Simple kids crafts come in a variety of patterns, including paper crafting projects, mache, scrapbooking and beading, wood projects are not typically the first to come to mind. Don't worry, there are a number of easy and safe wood crafting projects that are great for children, and do not require any fancy or dangerous tools.

Simple Kids Crafts Build Confidence
There is no doubt that crafting is very popular and an excellent activity for children. It's fun and entertaining to work with your hands, and it helps the children express their creativity. Motor skills, and hand eye coordination are improved and a child develops a dexterity and connection with the project that is a wonder to behold. Creating unique pieces of art gives the children a sense of accomplishment and pride, and seeing the satisfied smiles on their face is a reward in itself.

Wood Craft Projects Are Easy
There are quite a few interesting and easy wood crafting projects that are appropriate for kids. For many reason, woodworking projects have been closed in schools, and unfortunately this has closed access for kids to what can be a very rewarding and creative activity. Unlike some other craft creations, a woodworking project will stand the test of time, and each completed project is a completed memory that they will be able to take with them for years to come.

The Key To Children's Wood Projects
But children of a young age shouldn't work with dangerous saws, nails and other woodworking tools you say? That is entirely true, and I don't recommend anyone strapping an adult tool belt on their 5 year olds waist! The answer to this woodworking dilemma is the dowel system. There are countless woodworking projects that are pre-formed, requiring no cutting or sanding. One need simply buy the woodworking set and connect the pieces of the project.

A common woodworking project is to create a key holder. This can be done, simply, safely and is also very functional. Your child can be involved in creating something that is not only gazed upon, but contributes to the families activities day in and day out. Depending on your child's age, you can get fancy by staining or painting the completed project.

Simple Projects for Older Kids
For older children interested in working with wood, you can resort to classic wood projects such as mailbox making or tree houses. These projects might require a little more supervision but the results can be very rewarding.

Whatever simple kids crafts you choose, remember that you are not just killing time, but creating quality memories of time spent together. Wood working, scrapbooking, beading, whatever the case may be, you will remember these moments with your loved ones for years to come.

Feel the satisfaction of working with your hands and creating beautiful simple craft projects.

Check out the definitive location for craft ideas, bead supplies, scrapbooking materials and more... check out the hundreds of quality craft kits and get started creating today!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

7 Woodworking Projects For Enthusiasts

Don't you sometimes feel that your hands just beg at you to leave that computer and that desk for a moment and go to make something with them? That's precisely what attracts many people to do-it-yourself projects. The human is born to create - and although many of us create a lot of great things using the keyboard, nothing can be compared to making a "real world" thing yourself, with your own hands.

One of the most appropriate materials for doing projects yourself is wood. It's affordable, relatively easy to use, friendly to the environment and longlasting. If you are an enthusiast or even just a beginner, here are seven great ideas for woodworking projects that you can do yourself and be proud of the result.

A stool
Building a wooden stool is probably the simplest project you can do. If this will be your first woodworking project, it's great idea to start with making a stool. There are all kind of stools, but a very simple one can consist of just three boards - one for sitting and two for "legs". For more stability one perpendicular lath can be added between the legs. You can also build a stool that has four legs, but that's a bit more complicated.

A bench
The benches are pretty simple too, depending on the design of course. I consider them slightly more complex woodworking projects than the stools because they are longer and more than one body can sit on them. A simple bench can be made by six pieces - one long and wide plank for sitting on it (can be a compilation of several boards if you don't have a wide enough one); three vertical planks for legs - one on each side and one in the middle; and two horizontal ones that will connect the legs and ensure more stability. Of course I would recommend you downloading a bench plan with somehow better design than what I described.

A table
The projects are getting slightly more complicated, but not much. The first three projects has a lot in common, because they consists of a plank and several legs. One of the reasons tables are slightly more complex is that they need longer legs - which requires the legs to have some additional support if you want a stable table. Tables also can be rounded, folding or have all king of extravagant designs - there is more room for experimentation and creative work here.

A toy
There's nothing better for your kids than a wooden toy. The warmth, nature feeling and simplicity of the wooden toys can't be replaced by today's plastic or remote controlled toys. Making a wooden toy can be very simple or quite complex depending on the toy, the number of details and level of preciseness it requires. One great idea for a woodworking project is to make a wooden horse riding toy.

When making toys, special attention should be paid to finishing works as you don't want the child to cut itself on some chop.

A swing set
We are moving onto a more complex project. Building even a simple outdoor swing set requires connecting many parts, some basic level of engineering and a good amount of work. Of course you can pick a simple swing plan to start with - just one long transom attached to a low tower on the middle. Such a swing, often called a "saw swing" can be used only by two kids at the same time.

An outdoor shed
If you are ready for a more serious project, you can consider building an outdoor wooden shed. The sheds consist of large parts like walls, door and roof and include not only woodworking - you may need to use concrete or gravel for the foundations, to learn how to dig holes, how to install lagging and so on.

Building an outdoor shed is not a project for absolute beginners - you need intermediate experience. So if you are looking for a first DIY project, start with tables or benches.

A treehouse
Here's one even more exciting but fairly involved project. A treehouse is a great gift for your kids and not only for them. But it really requires a very serious planning and good quality of materials and work. If your treehouse is unstable, your kids can be impaired in case the house get broken and fall down.

Making a tree house combines woodworking, engineering, landscaping and even gardening knowledge.

Remember: don't start an intermediate or advanced project before you've done something simple. Even a stool can be exciting if you like the design and love to work with wood.

Choose something that you like. The wooden swing sets are probably my most favorite do it yourself projects becuase they are moderately complex, offer a lot of options for creativity and at the end bring a lot of fun. And even if you are a total beginner, you can still build the simplest possible outdoor swing!