Easy woodworking projects are simple to do and can show most beginners the primary lessons in order to attempt much larger, more complex plans!
In this article I hope you can learn not only a few easy woodworking projects to try, but also what basic tools are
necessary and finally how to quickly progress from being a novice woodworker to more of a master craftsman. First, though, let's try to look over some projects for most beginners.
Three very simple and easy projects to start out with are:
A Simple Bookshelf
A Birdhouse, or a
A Magazine Holder
Just take either one of these projects, a blank white sheet of paper, a sharp pointed pencil get to drawing a
sketch of what you want it to look like, fill in the measurements, then get to cutting the wood to those
numbers, and finally start piecing them together! This can all be done at home around the table, by most any member of your family.
The obvious reason behind attempting any of these projects is that not only are they simple, but they also are practical and most everyone would have a use for them. Another reason is all three only need hand tools to accomplish either. Most of the simple hand tools for completing such projects would be a ruler, a pencil (to transfer your measurements to the wood from your drawings, a hand saw, a small file (or sanding paper), a hammer and nails and finally a paint brush and some paint or stain.
While your in the beginning stages you need to use mainly hand tools, number one, they're inexpensive, and will allow you to feel and sense the wood and the pieces as you build each project. Later on you can use all the power tools, but they can be expensive and also not allow you as much intimacy with the woods you're working with.
To progress on from these initial three projects and learn more of the craft of woodworking, there are many
avenues to help you along. Primarily, the internet is a great tool, it gives you wonderful research and great
information, not only will it offer you volumes of text, but also hours and hours of video. Finally, it offers
you memberships in learning and professional forums on many subjects of the woodworking art.
I hope you see now how simple and satisfying woodworking can be. It has many simple projects for you to begin on, then after completing those can provide you with many avenues to increase your knowledge and your experience.
If you've enjoyed this article, take a look at http://easywoodworkingprojects.info/ for many exciting and useful projects and detailed drawings that can be completed around your home. Visit Easy Woodworking Projects for over 14,000 more projects and plans to think about!
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