Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Collecting Stamps

Collecting stamps is a hobby that attracts people from all around the world. When you're collecting stamps you can find them from a multiple of sources, including free sources, as well as paying for those stamps that you just can't do without. When you start collecting stamps you'll want to spend as little money as possible and concentrate on getting a beginner's collection of stamps.

As a beginner in stamp collection you might not know where to begin as you may not have any thing to start with. In such a scenario you can buy a packet of stamps which will have an assortment of stamps from different countries. This will also help you focus on the kind of stamps that appeal to you.

Another good source of stamps is on the Internet using eBay. You'll often be able to purchase large amounts of stamps for a very low price. You'll want to have as wide a variety of stamps as possible so that you can see a good selection of stamps from various countries. Once you've purchased a large batch of stamps you'll need to have a way to organize them so you can determine what direction you want to go with your stamp collection.

Many of the stamps you purchase will still be attached to the paper on which they were mailed. This makes it easy to handle and gives the stamps a little more durability. Once you take the stamp off of the backing, they become more fragile and will require more care when handling. This is one of the reasons it's a good idea to sort the stamps before you take the paper backing off the stamp.

Taking the paper off stamps can be tedious so make sure that you take your time and don't do any damage to the stamps. Don't just attempt to pull the stamp off the paper since this can result in the ripping of the stamp. Use a pair of small scissors to trim the paper as close to the stamp as you possibly can.

To take off the paper backing from the nicely trimmed stamp take clean water in a bowl. Place the stamp with the paper backing into the water and let it soak for some time. Take care that the stamp side is facing up. You can now try to carefully remove the paper backing from the stamp.

After removing the paper backing from the stamp, they need to be dried slowly and gently, so that they don't fold over and wrinkle. After the stamps have dried lay them flat between two layers of paper towel making sure that none of the stamps touch and overlap.

The dried stamps need to be flattened. This can be done by placing these dried stamps in the pages of a large or heavy book. Else you have the option of buying a stamp drying book to dry your stamps. These dry and flattened stamps can be sorted country wise to help you locate them when ever you want to. These sorted stamps then need to be arranged in your stamp collecting book.

Article by:Fiona Whealer is the owner of FW Stamps, the #1 source on the internet for information about stamps. For questions or comments about this article visit:
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