Printable crafts are a great idea for a rainy day at home with the kids. Let's face it though, you don't have to be a kid to enjoy doing crafts. The list of possible crafts is endless. Below there are a few favorites that you might be interested in.
Origami is a traditional Japanese form of art, a technique of folding paper into different shapes or ornaments representing forms such as those of flowers or animals. The online printable will have an image with lines of where the item should be folded. There are printables available online for all different skill levels. Most offer simple directions.
A mobile is a hanging sculpture created from ornaments, string and sticks. Mobiles can be made of many things. Printables will often be ornamental shapes or pictures. The printable crafts available online will sometimes require you to add your own string or sticks.
Paper Dolls are paper representations of characters or humans. These dolls are usually cut out and put in a stand. The printables for paper dolls work better if printed on a heavy paper or card stock. The paper dolls usually will include changes of clothes or accessories to make play time more imaginative and exciting.
Coloring Pages are available in abundance. These pages can be fun but can also be educational. There are many pages that are "workbook" pages that will require a child to complete a lesson or skill. Some coloring pages are offered as complete coloring books. This option is great for keeping children busy during long car trips. Themed and level appropriate activity books are also available. These usually include coloring, reading, math, science and some kind of social studies skills.
All crafts come in a variety of seasonal choices like pumpkins, christmas ornaments and turkeys. Some crafts are colored some require coloring. Other crafts may require additional supplies such as glue, string and scissors. If your child is in love with a particular character that they have seen on television or in books. These character sites often offer crafts specifically themed to that television show or character. This offers an additional bonus of saving money by not having to purchase the "specialty" craft and coloring books from the store.
When searching the internet for printable crafts, be sure to use only reputable sites. You should not allow your children to search for the crafts by themselves because there are many sites that offer adult themed crafts that are not for children's eyes. There are sites that are specifically geared toward printables for teachers. These sites offer a great selection and can usually be trusted.
There are many other printable crafts available on the internet. When searching the internet, phrase your search query to include specific theme key words. There are many that will suit your particular situation.
Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about printable crafts, please visit Fun Arts and Crafts Ideas for current articles and discussions.
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